Saturday, May 22, 2010

New Home and New Beginnings

    Hi friends! Um, last time we spoke I was ready to go on a killing spree and opted to visit the temple grounds instead. A lot has happened since the last time we talked, so I thought I'd fill you in. I moved back to Cedar City yesterday to stay in the lovely home of my dear friend, Lacie Jo Robinson. I now have my very own room! All to myself!! And my very own sink!! All to myself!!! I am so excited, if you can't tell. AND yesterday I heard that I actually have a job! My very own job!!! All to myself!!! Doing what I love! Serving people!!! BAH!!!

     Although this move wasn't the easiest thing in the world to do, I am glad things are starting to work out. The Lord truly is incredible and does answer our prayers. I finally have the motivation to do what I need to. I still am stressed about a few things, but I just need to keep trusting that the Lord will continue to help me every step of the way. I feel so small because I'm in this world all alone and I have no one to blame for my mistakes but me, but I'm glad its that way. Its the way it should be. He'll watch and take care of me. He's my safety net, guide, comforter and best friend. Here's to new beginnings and a summer full of adventure. Until then readers, peace, love and happiness. Adieu!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Cathartic Activities, Please?

I dont know what it is about St. George, but it seems like a magic spell washes over and I suddenly become this uptight, angry person. Now, for all of those who do know me, I am not an angry soul. Not one bit. Some might even go as far as saying that I don't get angry enough. How do I remedy this??? Well right now, the only logical options would be
1.) Flee the country

2.) Drive everywhere and nowhere at the same time for hours on end 

3.) Go to the temple.
Well, as of late, I think the very best and most logical option for me would be option three. Wish me luck with my rage issue!And just to reiterate,  I really really don't look good in orange. :) Anywho, Here's hoping that you remain happy and anger free today! Adieu! 

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

List, In honor of the beautiful Jenni Larsen

My fantastical friend, Jenni, introduced me to the whimsical world of list making. Her blog is composed entirely of lists, so I thought I might try this interesting phenomenon myself.
A Few Things I Like
Peter Pan
spaghetti noodles
small twinkling lights
chinese lanterns
bouncy balls
bright flowers
cloud shapes
extreme sports
proving boys wrong
the beach
red vines
orange juice
good literature
making new friends
authentic mexican food
cool breezes
calvin and hobbes
smell of attractive men.
Ok, there's just a quick list of things i like. I hope you enjoyed it.

(For Jenni, because she likes cereal :) 
