I just want to shout it from the rooftops!!! The Lord is such an amazing, incredible man. I am so blessed! I've been so fortunate lately because the Lord keeps showing His incredible love for me. He probably sends me those opportunities to see His hand in my life everyday, but I can't help but notice now! My life, by no means, has been a cake walk lately. But because of my willingness to let Him in and my desire to do His will is changing me. I am finally beginning to understand the lightness of taking his yoke upon me. When things seem as if they might not work out, as long as I do my best, the Lord will take on the rest. The Lord truly wants to be happy. He might have to teach me some difficult principles, but He has a plan for me and wants me to succeed. He is simply showing me how by trying my faith and showing me that I have to put my trust in Him in order for things to truly work.
I know that this gospel is true with all my heart. I know that Joseph Smith saw God, the Father, and His son, Jesus Christ in the sacred grove and was called to restore this wonderful gospel upon the Earth. I know that my Savior lives. I know he took upon all the sins, afflictions and pains of this world and through the Atonement, we all can be saved. I know he is my advocate to the Father and knows me better than anyone. He is always there. As one of my closest friends sings in a song she wrote, he's "right where a best friend should be, buried deep within my heart. Your name is perfect, your name is beautiful. I wish I could be more like you." I know that my Heavenly Father lives and that He loves me. He listens to the pleas of my heart, comforts me and answers my prayers. He wants us to succeed, be happy and live righteously so we might return to him. I know that the scriptures are true and that by studying them, our path will be lit back to our eternal home. I know that Thomas S. Monson is the true prophet of God on the Earth today and that he receives revelation specifically for us. We need to follow the counsel he and his wonderful apostles give, so we can deflect the firery darts of the adversary. I know the importance of timing and how intricately woven the tapestry of our lives is. We must have continued patience, faith and trust in His hand, especially when things don't go exactly how we planned, especially when things are very difficult to swallow. I love this gospel with all my heart and hope that, through my faithfulness, I can return to live with my family, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ again. I leave you with the lyrics to my favorite hymn.
Savior, Redeemer of My Soul Hymn #112
Savior, Redeemer of my soul,
Whose mighty hand hath made me whole,
Whose wondrous pow'r hath raised me up
And filled with sweet my bitter cup!
What tongue my gratitude can tell,
Oh gracious God of Israel.
Never can I repay thee, Lord,
But I can love thee.
Thy pure word, Hath it not been my one delight,
My joy by day, my dream by night?
Then let my lips proclaim it still,
And all my life reflect thy will.
O'er rule mine acts to serve thine ends.
Change frowning foes to smiling friends.
Chasten my soul til I shall be in perfect harmony with thee.
Make me more worthy of thy love, and fit me for the life above.
~Orson F. Whitney
This is my hope and my wish. Love you.
(This is the link to hear the song. )
very lovely post Heether :) love ya! & so does God :) :)
:) this made me feel a bit better today.
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