I realized today as I was parusing through former posts. I'm downright lousy at telling people about my life on the world wide web. lol . So, I'm not making any promises from this point forward. Just from reading all the times where I promised I'd update peeps, I look like the biggest flake in the history of blogging. Anyways, today I'm going to tell you about my laundry. Doesn't that just sound exhilarating?! Well its everywhere, piled up to my ceiling; just looming, ready to drop and crush me unexpectedly like the wicked witch of the east. I've created a top ten list for this particular topic. Here it goes.
"You know you need to do Laundry when..."
10. your pants can walk out of the house by themselves.
9. you change the name of the ever-growing mountain of clothes weekly
8. you forgot you even had a hamper
7. you cant find said hamper when you actually get around to it because its buried in the mountain with your textbooks and cat.
6. you've had the same box of dryer sheets since last year
5. people start noticing that ketchup stain from two weeks ago
4. the only thing left hanging in your closet is that revolting dress from great aunt betsy's funeral
3. it looks like a secondhand store threw up all over your bedroom floor
2. your roommates stand at least a yard away from you at all times
1. when you start looking worse than your old pal hobo joe down the street.
Haha, so those were exaggerated a tad. But I really have to do laundry. Three weeks of not doing laundry isn't the best idea. So, I must tackle the mountain and at least wash my dark articles of clothing and conform to the cult of domesticity once again. :( Here's a revolting illustration of what I must do. :( haha. Anywho, hope you're having a great day!