Thursday, April 15, 2010

TRUMAN-Still in Love
So, This is Ben and Chad Truman. They're the son's of Diamond Rio's drummer, Dan Truman. They're currently going to BYU. Ben, the lead singer, didn't start singing and playing guitar until his freshman year of college!!! (No, I'm not some creepy stalker. I heard them for the first time at the beginning of this year and I met them a couple months ago after they dedicated a song to me. They're really sweet, awesome dudes.) So, I'm still hopelessly in love with these guys. They're AMAZING!!! Check out the link- it has all their awesome songs you can sit and enjoy. My favs happen to be "I want you there", "Get Lost",  and "Will He Dance?". So take a listen and tell me what you think :) Hope you have a great day!!!
