Saturday, February 19, 2011

TA-DAH!!!! Gee, Isn't it spiffy?

Thanks to the lovely, glorious and/or stupendous magical workings of Mandy Freaking Fielding, my blog officially rocks, if I do say so myself. Mandy, I love you and adore you anyway, but this just sent you to the superstar friends list. If you were Mario, you would've tripled in size and won the game, leaving Princess Peach crying in the mud. Yah.

So this weekend I ventured northward to the snow to visit mi familia in the land of Lehihi. (I add an extra 'hi' because it makes the name much more intriguing and fun to say) Yes. It was just reaffirmed how insanely awkward and weird I am. Deal with it. Move on. We decided we'd go bowling today...lets just say I bowled the lowest score in the history of beautiful twenty year old women. The two year old in the next lane threw more strikes than I did. Are you ready to hear my atrocious score? *drum roll please* ... 36. yeah. 36. That's right. I disgraced the glorious goodness of the greasy lanes, stinky bowling shoes and the crash of pins. I think training with the Jackie Chan of Bowling is in order. I'll be the next Karate kid, but with bowling. Can't you just see it? "The Bowling Babe". I like it.'s hoping you harness your bowling chi better than I did. Peace and Love kids. Adios.

1 comment:

Tasia said...

Okay basically if I can have a blog as adorable as yours with the spiffy handwriting and everything I think I could be a blogger :) Yay or Nay? Oh and just so you know the word I have to type in to verify and everything is that ever a word if it is I like!
